As A Digital Marketer Do You Want To Free Up Your Time To Grow Your Business?

Your Team And SCALING Your Business.


It’s very different from the common methods you’re likely familiar with

because of how it saves you time and money by plugging in an already experienced and established team.

And as you’ll see, it’s so easy to start getting…

And get these projects back so fast that most of them will be done the same day.

The best part of all is...

…it doesn’t require you to spend hours searching for the right people to hire or waste a bunch of time testing people out only to find that the language barrier is too difficult to overcome, or they’re just not good enough to get the job done right.

You can start getting high quality projects done as soon as today, regardless of whether you’ve tried to outsourcing before and found it to be a pain in the rear.

So, if you want to SAVE TIME and MONEY so that you can launch more marketing campaigns without having to find and test out new team members, you’ll want to pay close attention to what I’m about to share with you.

Hi, my name is Jeremy Kenerson

and I’ve been working in the digital marketing space for over 12 years, starting as a manager at Infusionsoft in 2009 and launching my own digital agency in 2013.

I began coaching back in 2016 and all of my clients needed help with the tech side of marketing, so I started having my team help them, which made me realize that there is a real need here and Dynamic Marketing Implementation was born.

The fact is…

there’s no better way right now for you to get the technical help to bring your marketing ideas to life than by using a Dynamic Marketing Implementation team.

Your projects will get done faster than superman on crack!

With a Dynamic Marketing Implementation team, we found it better to have an actual office with no remote employees that are left to their own devices, working for multiple people, having internet outages, and always having excuses as to why a project is taking so long.

We found, for our team, that it’s critical to have multiple internet service providers, back up generators, as well as a manager that each team member reports to for quality assurance and to make sure they are working hard at all times.

Another secret we found that makes having a Dynamic Marketing Implementation team as efficient as possible is to have a day shift and a night shift so that your tasks get worked on around the clock.

Your projects are completed as fast as possible, yet with the highest quality of work, with little to no down time.  You won’t have to wait 24 hours to get a simple revision done because your person in another time zone isn’t working when you are.

You can actually quick chat the revision so that it gets knocked out ASAP. When you click submit on your request you can expect that your project will be done in a matter of hours. (Maximum 24 hours, unless it’s a larger project like a complete funnel build, a 100 slide PowerPoint, or a 100 page eBook.)

You’ll finally have peace of mind knowing that your projects are being completed ASAP.

And that’s just the beginning…

We can do almost anything for you. As an example, we have a client that’ll take a picture of a business card and ask us to enter it into his CRM for him.

We literally can do any type of graphic design, such as…

  • Digital
  • Print
  • Websites
  • Web Pages
  • Product Design
  • Offer Stack Graphics Like CD’s, DVD’s, Book Covers
  • Blog Post Graphics
  • Social Media Posts
  • Social Media Banners
  • Quote Graphics
  • Icons
  • Basic Logos
  • Business Cards
  • Presentation Slide Decks
  • Direct Mailers
  • Posters
  • Flyers
  • Brochures
  • Infographics
  • Lead Magnets
  • eBooks
  • Characters

Any type of web development on any platform or coding language, like…

  • Setup Web Pages and Posts
  • Update Web Pages or Posts
  • Create and Update Landing Pages
  • WordPress Plugin
  • Management
  • WordPress Theme Updates
  • Website Security
  • Increase Website Speed

 Marketing tasks, such as…

  • Setting Up Sales Funnels
  • Setting Up Broadcast Newsletters
  • Setting Up Drip Campaigns
  • Setting Up Email Opt-in Forms
  • Setting Google Analytics
  • Integrating Site and 3rd Party Tools
  • Setting Up and Troubleshoot Hosting
  • Scheduling Social Media Posts
  • Setting Up G Suite Emails
  • Clean Up Data
  • Data Entry
  • Simple Video Edits

No matter what you need done, we’ll do it for you! Rest assured that when you’re standing in the shower and you get a crazy, hair-brained idea that just might work… we can help make it possible.

You’ll feel a huge sense of relief knowing that we’ve got you covered and you’re not going to have to spend a ton of time trying to figure it all out on your own.

Like I said…

We do almost everything EXCEPT write content and do complex video editing, only because there is too much back and forth with those types of projects before you’d get a final version that everyone is happy with.

You can rely on us to do the heavy lifting with everything else so that you can focus on what requires your superpowers, like marketing strategies, writing awesome copy, or creating an amazing customer experience for your clients.

So, when you’re in the office and things are going crazy with everything fighting to get your attention, from team members to clients, you won’t have to worry about taking the time to go back and forth on revisions just to get your project finished.

You’ll constantly feel excited about using a Dynamic Marketing Implementation team instead of feeling frustrated like when you get copy or a video back that you don’t like and have to spend a ton of time going back and forth to get it right.

And, you know what else?

You can continue to use whatever systems you are currently using! We are skilled on systems such as…

  • WordPress
  • Shopify
  • Joomla
  • Kajabi
  • Clickfunnels
  • Infusionsoft/Keap
  • Kartra
  • Ontraport
  • Unbounce
  • Leadpages
  • Active Campaign
  • Mailchimp
  • Aweber
  • Getresponse
  • Constant Contact
  • Verticalresponse
  • Getresults
  • Drip
  • Highlevel
  • Hubspot
  • Teachable
  • Calendly
  • Acuity
  • Schedule Once
  • Zapier
  • Plusthis
  • Twilio
  • Stripe
  • Paypal
  • Woocommerce
  • Memberships
  • Learndash
  • And So Many More

If you are using a software that we are not familiar with (which is highly unlikely), just know that most systems are so similar that we can easily learn how to use them for you.

This way you don’t have to worry at all about switching your systems or softwares to ones that we use.

We are prepared to learn things quickly so you don’t have to be the one learning new systems and having additional costs in replacing what’s set up and working for you.  No frustrations from learning a new software.  No feeling like you want to throw your computer against the wall.  Who has time for that?

You’ll feel in control having a team that’s ready to use your systems instead of feeling out of control like when a contractor has you switch your systems to the ones they prefer.

And here’s the cool part…

Our Dynamic Marketing Implementation team works like a fine oiled machine because of our special P.O.D. system.

Practical | Operations | Delivery System

Your P.O.D. is made up of….

Each P.O.D. works with their account manager to ensure the quality of the work and to make sure they are efficiently completing your tasks. The account manager is your direct line of communication to eliminate the frustration of miscommunication on projects whether it be from a language barrier or something else.

The designer, of course, handles all your designs.

The developer will handle any website, landing page, or marketing funnel creation.

The technical admin handles everything else, like…

Not only does working with the same P.O.D. create a highly cohesive team for you, but it also allows the team members to get used to how you work, your brands, and your style to make your experience with the Dynamic Marketing Implementation team even better over time.

Now, here’s the secret sauce...

You actually get access to 2 P.O.D.s  – one that works the day shift  and the other that works the night shift, so that your tasks can be worked on around the clock. So no waiting until the next day for a simple revision.

How it works is simple...

Send Email

You send us an email telling us what you need done. That automatically creates a ticket which goes directly to the correct person in your P.O.D., depending on whether it's a graphic ticket, website ticket, or another type of marketing tech ticket.

The Team

The team completes your ticket.

Project Completed

Once the project is complete, it’s sent back to you, and you either accept it or request revisions.

You have unlimited revisions so you don’t have to worry about getting stuck with something you don’t like. You may submit as many tickets at a time as you like. The tickets are either completed in the order in which they come in or you can prioritize them so we know which ones you want us to work on first. We will work on that task, but when revisions come in, we handle those real quick, and then get back to the task that we were working on.

And, it gets better...

If you have an emergency, you can easily rush a task! You just need to reach out to your account manager and they will put your project to the front of the line. Our team will handle the project as if the team was working right from your own office and you walked up to them and made the work request.

So, the next time you have an emergency deadline and your back is up against the wall, you can get your project back ASAP, and you’ll feel like you have a team that actually has your back. (Because we do!)

And, check this out…

You’ll absolutely love your team members because we have a very strict hiring process and a team culture that fosters a love for the company, the job, and for making you, our client, happy. If for some reason you don’t jive with how your P.O.D. is completing your projects, you may request a new P.O.D.

If you get a graphic back and you feel like your team is just not providing you with what you feel you requested and you feel like that was the last straw… don’t worry, we will connect you with another P.O.D. to make sure you’re working with a team that you gel with.

You will feel like you’re in control instead of feeling like you’re stuck with people who are just not getting you or your brand.

Do you know what else makes this really interesting?

You will have tasks completed faster
as time goes on because as your P.O.D. members learn your style and how you want things done, they’ll be able to complete your projects quickly and have less revision requests. 

They are real members of your team and when you have a team firing on all cylinders, nothing is impossible. Another thing that will help you get the most out of your P.O.D. is how we teach you to submit your requests. 

Most people have a hard time outsourcing because they don’t use the Dynamic Marketing Implementation team method of communication. You won’t leave anything to question and that eliminates almost all the back and forth that you’re probably used to dealing with.

So when you get into the office and you open up your computer and see a project that has been completed, you’ll be so happy that they nailed it on the first try instead of being like “What the heck is this crap?”

You’ll feel thankful instead of feeling frustrated that you’re about to enter the back and forth roller coaster, not knowing when the project will finally be completed so you can move on. People will start complimenting you on the quality of your marketing materials because you’ll be able to pump out so much more, so much faster, and the quality is so amazing.

When people see what you’re doing, they’ll be amazed.

The next time you’re at a conference talking to a colleague, they’ll be like “You really stepped up your game,” and they’ll ask how you’re doing it. You’ll feel like a frickin’ rock star with the most professional looking marketing and you’ll feel organized, like you finally got it together to make some serious cash.

Do you know what else makes this a no brainer?

Dynamic Marketing Implementation will work for you regardless if you’ve tried to outsource before because outsourcing is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get. 

You can get our outsourcing expertise that turned outsourcing into an art over the last 8 years. The best part is that you don’t have to spend hours searching through job listings, messaging back and forth, interviewing, and testing out their work, just to have them tell you that they couldn’t work because their internet was down. You’ll have the best people who already have a system down as a team, with multiple industrial internet service providers and backup generators. 

They’ll be the most effective and efficient team. And you have your account manager to eliminate the language barrier issues we’ve all run into. You’ll feel like you have your own team working out of your own office. It won’t even feel like you’re outsourcing.

So what’s DeskTeam360 really all about?

The first thing you get is your DeskTeam360 Account Manager.

Your Dynamic Marketing Implementation team that is a plug-and-play team ready to help you grow your business.

The first thing you get is your DeskTeam360 Account Manager. Your account manager is your dedicated US-based contact so that you have someone you can actually talk to and communicate with easily.

You’ll eliminate a lot of time wasted on the back and forth due to language barriers, so that when you have a larger project, we can iron out the details to ensure the project goes quickly and smoothly. 

You’ll feel like you actually have someone that supports you in reaching your goals. Your projects will be done so much faster when you have a person that understands your brand, style, and how you work.

The second thing you get is your DeskTeam360 Success Call. 

The second thing you get is a DeskTeam360 success call. The call is a 1 on 1 zoom call so that we can get to know you, your brand, and your company and show you how to make your P.O.D. even more effective and efficient for your tasks.

By understanding your goals, we will exceed your expectations, so that when you turn on your computer in the morning, you can see all the work that was done that would have kept you up working all night.

You’ll feel a huge sense of relief that all the time consuming marketing tasks are being done for you. Having a trusted team gives you the time you need to work on your business or have that extra time to spend with the family.

The third thing you get is your DeskTeam360 P.O.D. 

Your P.O.D. is a 3-person team with a...  

Graphic Designer


Technical Admin

You’ll have all your projects done by the same highly qualified people working as a team. You’ll have a team that gets better over time because they get to know your design style and how you like things done. When you have one of those time sensitive jobs and you submit your project, you know that it’s going to the team members you trust and that they’ll make it a priority for you.

You’ll feel like we’re an extension of your company as opposed to dealing with contractors who have a bunch of other high-priority customers that they need to help before you. When it comes to your projects, you don’t want to be waiting in line! You want your projects done now.

With everything you’re getting today, you have everything you need to save you time and money, and have a plug and play team so that you can launch more marketing ideas quickly. You’ll have the time to focus on growing your business while DeskTeam360 does all the work.

When you want to take some time off to go on a long overdue vacation, you know that the work will still get done and your business won’t explode just because you took some time off.  Promise.

You’ll feel like a smart business owner leveraging other people’s time since being able to save your own time by leveraging other people’s time is the only way to scale and achieve peace and freedom in your business.

But, this is just the beginning of what you get with DeskTeam360.

When you sign-up with DeskTeam360 today you also get a unique bonus not offered anywhere else – Jeremy Kenerson’s Inner Circle.

With this bonus, you’ll receive 3 months FREE in his Inner Circle. In this group, you’ll meet weekly for 2 hours on a group zoom call.

You’ll be a part of a network of like-minded individuals focusing on developing their…

You don’t have to do the entrepreneur thing alone.

When you’re sitting at your computer just staring at the screen stuck on a project, you can get help or feedback from Jeremy personally, and the group, on what you’re working on. You’ll have the support of other entrepreneurs dealing with and going through the exact same things you are.

There is nothing better than being able to reach out to amazing people who are more than willing to help you get unstuck, so that you can keep moving forward no matter what the day throws at you.

Here's the thing... we're not sure how much longer we’ll continue to include these bonuses.

But for today, you get all of them, FREE. With everything you get today:


Your 1 On 1 Call

US-Based Account Manager

Jeremy's Inner Circle

DeskTeam360 has a total value of $8,814 for the first year.

Think about it like this:

At $8,814, if all DeskTeam360 did for you was give you one badass team member without any language barriers would it be worth it?

YES, of course it would be worth it…

…because finding that kind of help is going to cost double, triple, or even quadruple that at a minimum.

If all DeskTeam360 did for you was save you 4 hours a day of work would it be worth it?

Heck YES, it would be worth it…

…because your time is the most valuable thing on the planet. Let’s say your personal time is $250/hour, well that’s $240k a year of your time…

Not to mention what you can do with that time to create the opportunities to possibly make millions.

Time is something we never get back once it's gone.

We don’t know how much time we get on this earth, so it shouldn’t be spent on doing things that are easier and cheaper to have someone else do.

If all DeskTeam360 did for you was eliminate having to…

  • Find
  • Interview
  • Hire
  • Train
  • Manage A Team Member’s Work
  • Manage Their Emotions
  • And Having To Fire People

Would it be worth it?

Ummm, absolutely YES it would be worth it…

…not just because of the time it will save you but the frustration as well.

This is not a fun process to go through, especially when you’d rather be doing something else, like something only you can do to finish a project or a revenue-producing task.

And honestly, firing people is the absolute worst part of being an entrepreneur.

Today though, when you sign up with DeskTeam360, it isn’t going to cost you $8,814 dollars. It’s not even going to cost you $7,800.

Your Account Manager

Your 1 On 1 Success Call

Your P.O.D.

Jeremy's Inner Circle

This total value of $8,814 is just a monthly subscription fee of $627/month – that’s over 15% off and a savings of over $1,014.

Keeping it real, for the price of drinking an Iced Venti Double Dirty Chai at Starbucks every day, you can have a dedicated team working on the minutia in your business, giving you more time for revenue-generating tasks.

That’s actually 10% off of our Plus Package which includes unlimited graphics and marketing projects. You can save even more if you sign up and pay for a quarter or a year in advance.

That’s also 3 months in Jeremy Kenerson’s Inner Circle which is $150/month = a $450 value.

And here’s the thing...

You don’t even have to say yes today.
All you have to say is “maybe”, because you can put DeskTeam360 to the test risk-free.

When you sign-up today, we’ll get you set up on a 10 day free trial.

Sign-up today, go through everything, and put it all to the test over the next 10 days. You’re either thrilled with how much time and money DeskTeam360 will save you or you can simply send us an email before the 10th day and we’ll cancel your subscription no questions asked.

You’re guaranteed to save time and money to grow your business or you get your money back - no questions asked.

That’s right, we’re also including a 60 day money back guarantee as long as: you schedule and attend your 1 on 1 call with us, submit enough tasks for the team to get used to your style, and try out more than one of our P.O.D.s if you don’t feel your initial P.O.D. is a match for you.

If you aren’t absolutely thrilled with your team we’ll refund 50% of what you spent with us over those 60 days.

Go Ahead Click The Button Below.

Sign-up with DeskTeam360 right now.

Bottom Line: You’ll either have more time to focus on your business and launch your marketing ideas faster or it costs you almost nothing. There’s no need for you to continue feeling like you don’t have the knowledge to implement your marketing ideas. There’s no need for you to continue not having enough time in the day to work on your business.

You can change all of that today with DeskTeam360.

Go Ahead Click The Button Below.

Sign-up with DeskTeam360 right now.

Please understand this is a limited time offer. DeskTeam360, all the bonuses, and the 15% discount are only available for the first 10 people because of the awesome offer and potential free work we do if people jump ship before the 10th day  – either because they didn’t submit enough tasks or they didn’t give it a chance.

Also, due to our commitment to stable growth, we need to hire, train, and make sure
our employees are THE BEST in the industry.

We only have room to bring on 10 new clients and then we’ll have to shut this campaign off.
This is just between us, so keep this on the down-low.

I HATE discounts!

I believe it devalues our amazing service but my business partner insisted and we were able to come to a compromise, which means we’ll only keep the discount up for the next 24 hours.

So, if you want it, now is the time to act.

Go Ahead Click The Button Below NOW.

Select the Number of Tasks You Would Like Us to Handle Simultaneously

Experience Our Services Risk-Free with a 14-day Money-Back Guarantee


1 Task at a Time

$1,997.00/Original Cost


/Limited Time Pricing

Save $500.00/month

For business owners looking to save time, money, and frustration while outsourcing to an experienced team of professionals.

Unlimited Tech

Unlimited Video

Unlimited Graphics

Your Dedicated Team



We Work Both Day and Night Shifts



You Get To Own All Files
Not Just The Ones You Approve

2 Tasks at a Time

$3,997.00/Original Cost


/Limited Time Pricing

Save $1,003.00/month

For business owners who are pumping out marketing ideas regularly or have daily, weekly, or monthly manual tasks that need to be completed in a certain time frame.

Unlimited Tech

Unlimited Video

Unlimited Graphics

Your Dedicated Team



We Work Both Day and Night Shifts



You Get To Own All Files Not
Just The Ones You Approve

3 Tasks at a Time

$5,997.00/Original Cost


/Limited Time Pricing

Save $1,506.00/month

For agencies looking to affordably extend their team without the headaches of recruiting, training, and managing people and their work.

Unlimited Tech

Unlimited Video

Unlimited Graphics

Your Dedicated Team



We Work Both Day and Night Shifts



You Get To Own All Files Not
Just The Ones You Approve

1 Task at a Time

$1,997.00/Original Cost


/Limited Time Pricing

Save $500.00/month

For business owners looking to save time, money, and frustation while outsourcing to an experienced team of professionals.

Unlimited Tech

Unlimited Video

Unlimited Graphics

Your Dedicated Team



We Work Both Day and Night Shifts



You Get To Own All Files
Not Just The Ones You Approve

2 Tasks at a Time

$3,997.00/Original Cost


/Limited Time Pricing

Save $1,003.00/month

For business owners who are pumping out marketing ideas regularly or have daily, weekly, or monthly manual tasks that need to be completed in a certain time frame.

Unlimited Tech

Unlimited Video

Unlimited Graphics

Your Dedicated Team



We Work Both Day and Night Shifts



You Get To Own All Files Not
Just The Ones You Approve

3 Tasks at a Time

$5,997.00/Original Cost


/Limited Time Pricing

Save $1,506.00/month

For agencies looking to affordably extend their team without the headaches of recruiting, training, and managing people and their work.

Unlimited Tech

Unlimited Video

Unlimited Graphics

Your Dedicated Team



We Work Both Day and Night Shifts



You Get To Own All Files Not
Just The Ones You Approve

DeskTeam360 Membership Package

Sign up and see the benefit of becoming a member of DeskTeam360. If you feel like we're not a good fit within the first 10 days after you sign up, you can cancel and you won't be charged.

Step 1: Choose your payment period

Step 2: How many tasks do you need us to work on at a time?

Step 3: Choose your package


Unlimited Graphic Design Membership
$ 347
00 /Month
Paid Monthly
  • One Active Task at a Time*
  • Unlimited Graphic Design
  • Dedicated Designer
  • Unlimited Requests
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • All Kinds of Designs**
  • Free Stock Photos
  • Native Source Files
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-2 Day Turnaround Graphic Task

Marketing Tech

Unlimited Marketing Tech Membership
$ 447
00 /Month
Paid Monthly
  • One Active Task at a Time*
  • Dedicated Developer
  • Website Updates
  • Website Changes
  • New Web Pages
  • Funnel Creation
  • Email Campaign Creation
  • Membership Builds
  • eCourse Builds**
  • eCommerce Builds**
  • CRM Data Importing
  • Data Clean Up
  • Free Stock Photos
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-3 Day Turnaround Website Task


Graphic Design & Marketing Tech
$ 697
00 /Month
Paid Monthly
  • One Active Task at a Time*
  • Everything Included in Graphics
  • Everything Included in Marketing Tech
  • Basic Video Editing
  • 10-Day Free Trial


Graphic Design Membership
$ 555
20 /Month
Paid Monthly
  • Two Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Unlimited Graphic Design
  • Dedicated Designer
  • Unlimited Requests
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • All Kinds of Designs**
  • Free Stock Photos
  • Native Source Files
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-2 Day Turnaround Graphic Task

Marketing Tech

Unlimited Graphic Design Membership
$ 712
20 /Month
Paid Monthly
  • Two Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Dedicated Developer
  • Website Updates
  • Website Changes
  • New Web Pages
  • Funnel Creation
  • Email Campaign Creation
  • Membership Builds
  • eCourse Builds**
  • eCommerce Builds**
  • CRM Data Importing
  • Data Clean Up
  • Free Stock Photos
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-3 Day Turnaround Website Task


Graphic Design & Marketing Tech
$ 1,115
20 /Month
Paid Monthly
  • Two Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Everything Included in Graphics
  • Everything Included in Marketing Tech
  • Basic Video Editing
  • 10-Day Free Trial


Graphic Design Membership
$ 832
80 /Month
Paid Monthly
  • Three Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Unlimited Graphic Design
  • Dedicated Designer
  • Unlimited Requests
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • All Kinds of Designs**
  • Free Stock Photos
  • Native Source Files
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-2 Day Turnaround Graphic Task

Marketing Tech

Unlimited Graphic Design Membership
$ 1,072
80 /Month
Paid Monthly
  • Three Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Dedicated Developer
  • Website Updates
  • Website Changes
  • New Web Pages
  • Funnel Creation
  • Email Campaign Creation
  • Membership Builds
  • eCourse Builds**
  • eCommerce Builds**
  • CRM Data Importing
  • Data Clean Up
  • Free Stock Photos
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-3 Day Turnaround Website Task


Graphic Design & Marketing Tech
$ 1,672
80 /Month
Paid Monthly
  • Three Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Everything Included in Graphics
  • Everything Included in Marketing Tech
  • Basic Video Editing
  • 10-Day Free Trial


Graphic Design Membership
$ 318
08 /Month
Paid Quarterly
  • One Active Task at a Time*
  • Unlimited Graphic Design
  • Dedicated Designer
  • Unlimited Requests
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • All Kinds of Designs**
  • Free Stock Photos
  • Native Source Files
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-2 Day Turnaround Graphic Task

Marketing Tech

Unlimited Graphic Design Membership
$ 409
75 /Month
Paid Quarterly
  • One Active Task at a Time*
  • Dedicated Developer
  • Website Updates
  • Website Changes
  • New Web Pages
  • Funnel Creation
  • Email Campaign Creation
  • Membership Builds
  • eCourse Builds**
  • eCommerce Builds**
  • CRM Data Importing
  • Data Clean Up
  • Free Stock Photos
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-3 Day Turnaround Website Task


Graphic Design & Marketing Tech
$ 638
92 /Month
Paid Quarterly
  • One Active Task at a Time*
  • Everything Included in Graphics
  • Everything Included in Marketing Tech
  • Basic Video Editing
  • 10-Day Free Trial


Graphic Design Membership
$ 508
93 /Month
Paid Quarterly
  • Two Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Unlimited Graphic Design
  • Dedicated Designer
  • Unlimited Requests
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • All Kinds of Designs**
  • Free Stock Photos
  • Native Source Files
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-2 Day Turnaround Graphic Task

Marketing Tech

Unlimited Graphic Design Membership
$ 655
60 /Month
Paid Quarterly
  • Two Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Dedicated Developer
  • Website Updates
  • Website Changes
  • New Web Pages
  • Funnel Creation
  • Email Campaign Creation
  • Membership Builds
  • eCourse Builds**
  • eCommerce Builds**
  • CRM Data Importing
  • Data Clean Up
  • Free Stock Photos
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-3 Day Turnaround Website Task


Graphic Design & Marketing Tech
$ 1,022
27 /Month
Paid Quarterly
  • Two Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Everything Included in Graphics
  • Everything Included in Marketing Tech
  • Basic Video Editing
  • 10-Day Free Trial


Graphic Design Membership
$ 763
40 /Month
Paid Quarterly
  • Three Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Unlimited Graphic Design
  • Dedicated Designer
  • Unlimited Requests
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • All Kinds of Designs**
  • Free Stock Photos
  • Native Source Files
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-2 Day Turnaround Graphic Task

Marketing Tech

Unlimited Graphic Design Membership
$ 983
40 /Month
Paid Quarterly
  • Three Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Dedicated Developer
  • Website Updates
  • Website Changes
  • New Web Pages
  • Funnel Creation
  • Email Campaign Creation
  • Membership Builds
  • eCourse Builds**
  • eCommerce Builds**
  • CRM Data Importing
  • Data Clean Up
  • Free Stock Photos
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-3 Day Turnaround Website Task


Graphic Design & Marketing Tech
$ 1,533
40 /Month
Paid Quarterly
  • Three Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Everything Included in Graphics
  • Everything Included in Marketing Tech
  • Basic Video Editing
  • 10-Day Free Trial


Graphic Design Membership
$ 289
17 /Month
Paid Annually
  • One Active Task at a Time*
  • Unlimited Graphic Design
  • Dedicated Designer
  • Unlimited Requests
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • All Kinds of Designs**
  • Free Stock Photos
  • Native Source Files
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-2 Day Turnaround Graphic Task

Marketing Tech

Unlimited Graphic Design Membership
$ 372
50 /Month
Paid Annually
  • One Active Task at a Time*
  • Dedicated Developer
  • Website Updates
  • Website Changes
  • New Web Pages
  • Funnel Creation
  • Email Campaign Creation
  • Membership Builds
  • eCourse Builds**
  • eCommerce Builds**
  • CRM Data Importing
  • Data Clean Up
  • Free Stock Photos
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-3 Day Turnaround Website Task


Graphic Design & Marketing Tech
$ 580
83 /Month
Paid Annually
  • One Active Task at a Time*
  • Everything Included in Graphics
  • Everything Included in Marketing Tech
  • Basic Video Editing
  • 10-Day Free Trial


Graphic Design Membership
$ 462
67 /Month
Paid Annually
  • Two Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Unlimited Graphic Design
  • Dedicated Designer
  • Unlimited Requests
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • All Kinds of Designs**
  • Free Stock Photos
  • Native Source Files
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-2 Day Turnaround Graphic Task

Marketing Tech

Unlimited Graphic Design Membership
$ 596
00 /Month
Paid Annually
  • Two Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Dedicated Developer
  • Website Updates
  • Website Changes
  • New Web Pages
  • Funnel Creation
  • Email Campaign Creation
  • Membership Builds
  • eCourse Builds**
  • eCommerce Builds**
  • CRM Data Importing
  • Data Clean Up
  • Free Stock Photos
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-3 Day Turnaround Website Task


Graphic Design & Marketing Tech
$ 929
33 /Month
Paid Annually
  • Two Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Everything Included in Graphics
  • Everything Included in Marketing Tech
  • Basic Video Editing
  • 10-Day Free Trial


Graphic Design Membership
$ 694
00 /Month
Paid Annually
  • Three Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Unlimited Graphic Design
  • Dedicated Designer
  • Unlimited Requests
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • All Kinds of Designs**
  • Free Stock Photos
  • Native Source Files
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-2 Day Turnaround Graphic Task

Marketing Tech

Unlimited Graphic Design Membership
$ 894
00 /Month
Paid Annually
  • Three Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Dedicated Developer
  • Website Updates
  • Website Changes
  • New Web Pages
  • Funnel Creation
  • Email Campaign Creation
  • Membership Builds
  • eCourse Builds**
  • eCommerce Builds**
  • CRM Data Importing
  • Data Clean Up
  • Free Stock Photos
  • 10-Day Free Trial
  • 1-3 Day Turnaround Website Task


Graphic Design & Marketing Tech
$ 1,394
00 /Month
Paid Annually
  • Three Active Tasks at a Time*
  • Everything Included in Graphics
  • Everything Included in Marketing Tech
  • Basic Video Editing
  • 10-Day Free Trial

Didn't find your best package??

Feel free to contact our support to request a custom package. Ask About Custom Pricing

Have questions?

Don't worry. We have the answer.

The DeskTeam360 Low Down

When you become a DeskTeam360 member, you’ll pay one flat monthly fee (no contract) and begin to delegate your graphic design, website maintenance, and marketing tech tasks.

After you sign up, you’ll schedule an onboarding call with your dedicated account manager, based here in the United States. On that call, we’ll learn about your business and help brainstorm tasks you can delegate right away.

  1. When you’re ready to hand off your first task, you’ll log in and fill out a simple web form, or send us an email.
  2. We’ll process your request and generally complete the task in 1 to 3 business days depending on the complexity of the task.
  3. You’ll get the task back, do a final check, then request a revision or give your thumbs up.

You can send unlimited tasks per month, but we’ll work on 1, 2, or 3 tasks at a time depending on the package you choose.

“Unlimited tasks per month / 2 tasks at a time” means you can send in as many task requests as you’d like. You don’t need to wait for our team to finish one before you send in another. Depending on your membership level, we’ll work and complete your designated number of tasks at a time before moving on to the next one.

Generally speaking, if you can describe your graphic, technical, or on-page marketing request clearly in a written email or a short screen share video, we’ll give it a go.

Here’s a good sample of the tasks we can take off your hands:

Graphic Design

  • Blog Post Graphics
  • Social Media Ads
  • Social Media Covers
  • Quotes
  • Icons
  • Basic Logos
  • Business Cards
  • Presentation Slide Deck
  • Direct Mailers
  • Posters
  • Flyers
  • Infographics
  • Lead Magnets
  • eBooks

Website Tasks

  • WordPress Plugin Management
  • WordPress Theme Updates
  • Set Up Web Pages and Posts
  • Update Web Pages and Posts
  • Set Up Google Analytics
  • Set Up G Suite Email
  • Integrate Site and 3rd Party Tools
  • Set Up and Troubleshoot Hosting

On-Page Marketing

  • Create and Update Landing Pages
  • Set Up Sales Funnels
  • Set Up Broadcast Newsletters
  • Set Up Drip Campaigns
  • Set Up Email Opt-in Forms
  • Schedule Social Media Posts

DeskTeam360 isn’t a replacement for your marketing strategist, copywriter, media buyer, or social media manager. Our account managers and team members aren’t equipped to advise you about how to grow your business. Only Jeremy Kenerson is, so if you need help in these areas, submit a request and Jeremy will be in touch with you. We’re here to help you integrate and execute your plan!

Here’s a list of tasks outside of our scope of services:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media Management
  • Online Ad Management
  • Copywriting
  • Marketing Strategy Development
  • Email Campaign Strategy
  • Business Consulting
  • New Websites (priced per project)
  • Programming
  • App Development
  • Video Editing (beyond basic)

No! We meet you where you are.

Simply grant our team access to the tools you already have in place and we’ll take it from there. No need to change your website platform, email provider, or other favorite online software.

Typically our team can turn around your request within 1 to 3 business days. If you have a more robust, complex, or time-consuming request, it could take longer. Your dedicated account manager will be able to provide you with a better estimated turnaround time based on the size and scope of your request.


We proudly serve English-speaking clients anywhere in the world.

Customer Service


You will have a dedicated designer in your P.O.D. however every designer has unique, specialized skills. So, depending on the ticket, your account manager may have another designer do the work to get the job done professionally and efficiently.

Our team is global! Our talented designers, developers, and technical admins are currently based in the US, Canada, and Indonesia. We’re always looking to balance the cost of providing a great service with the best people.

Yes! Click here to learn more about our affiliate program.

Customer Service

Nope! You just pay a monthly flat price for unlimited tasks and you can cancel anytime.

As a customer, you’re in the driver’s seat. At any time you can make changes to your membership right from your member dashboard.

Of course! You can switch plans, upgrade/downgrade plans as you wish since our plans have no contracts or minimum terms! Or if you no longer need us (sniff) you can cancel your plan at any point in time.

Yes! We welcome Agencies. Just go to the Pricing page and choose the plan that works best for you. If you need a custom package, request a quote here.

We use Stripe, a leading payment gateway to process payments. We don’t store or even see your credit card details. Stripe stores them securely for us. Read more about their security standards and practices.

Yes. But even better, we give you a 10 Day FREE Trial. If you feel like we’re not a good fit within the first 10 days after you sign up, simply cancel and you will not be billed. We’ll also give you a 60-day 50% money-back-guarantee. If you attend your onboarding call, submit enough tasks, and you allow us time to find your perfect P.O.D. that you work best with, and you’re still not head over heels in love with us, then we will refund you 50% of the funds you spend with us over the first 60 days.

More Questions? That's okay. Feel free to contact us!